It's a beautiful baby girl!
Nicholas and his family have been very busy. His dad has been working very hard at work, and building an addition to the house. The biggest news though, is the arrival of his new baby sister.
Before his visit to the hospital, his Aunt Jane asked him what color of hair his new baby sister would have. Nicholas answered "pink". He also thought her name should be Tortoise. If her hair would've turned out pink, we probably would have named her Tortoise, but her hair is dark brown, so we named her Grace Danielle. She weighed 7 lbs and 6 oz at birth, and was 18.5" long.
Nicholas had a great time at the hospital. he said he wanted to hold his baby sister, but then chickened out at the last minute. he played in the rocking chair at the nurses station, and played catch with his dad and Aunt Jane. When it was time to leave, he gave Grace a kiss on the head.